With over 30 years’ experience we are uniquely placed to offer a wide range of services for medical chillers and industrial process chilling systems.
Contact usWith over 30 years in the industry, we have recognised a growing need for a professional service into the medical and industrial cooling sectors that is delivered in a caring and personalised manner. This is particularly important within the medical sectors when dealing with clinically critical equipment.
With large stores facilities and advanced engineering solutions, SF6 Recovery is uniquely positioned to provide a range of specialist services…
As the company name suggests, we offer a specialised service into the medical and industrial sector for the handling and disposal of SF6 gas. We have a range of solutions that will meet your F gas requirements, without interruption to your medical or production demands.
We offer a full range of services to a wide range of medical chillers, including coil replacement, fan and control upgrades. This is particularly popular for medical trusts where Linear Accelerator replacement has been put back beyond the expected working life of the temperature control equipment.
In particular we specialise in OEM chiller control upgrades that will overcome some of the inherent control problems that are commonly experienced with LINAC chillers. Our upgrades provide performance and reliability enhancements.
Our expertise and experience runs across many industries so our team can advise and provide support, either as a one-off or via an ongoing service contract, for any of your industrial process chilling system or chiller water treatment system needs.